Bach Flower Rescue Remedies
Bach Flower Rescue Remedies
Bach Flower is a Trusted Brand for more than 80 Years.
The Original Bach Rescue Remedy
This mix was created by Dr. Bach to deal with emergencies and crises – the moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies. It can be used to help us get through any stressful situations, from last-minute exam or interview nerves, to the aftermath of an accident or bad news. Rescue Remedy helps us relax, get focused and get the needed calmness.
Many people chose to carry Rescue Remedy in their purse, at the office, in the car or in the diaper bag. You never know when you need it.
Rescue Remedy is a combination of five of the original Bach Flower Remedies which are especially beneficial when you find yourself in traumatic situations, such as, stress, emergencies, after getting bad news, before an exam or job interview and all other kind of situations where we suddenly lose balance mentally. The Remedies quickly get us back in our normal balance so that we calmly can deal with any situation.
Rescue Remedy Drops are available in 10ml size; and Sleep Remedy Spray available in 20ml size.
Active Ingredients in Rescue Remedy Products:
Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We've found it very fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.
Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life.
Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one's spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one's path.
Rock Rose: For situations in which one experiences panic or terror.
Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment.
Active Ingredients in all Rescue Sleep Products:
White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind.
Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock.
Clematis: For the tendency to “pass out”, and unconsciousness, being ‘far away’ and not present mentally.
Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
Impatiens: For irritability, tension and fidgety.
Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.
5x (HPUS) dilution Star of Bethlehem – Orithogalum umbellatum Rock Rose – Helianthemum Cherry Plum – Prunus cerasifera Impatiens – Impatiens gladulifera Clematis – Clematis vitalba White Chestnut – Aesculus Hippocastanum
Non-habit forming – Non sedative – No hangover – Fast acting spray or drops – Insomnia Caused by Stress